First off THANK YOU…

Thank you to all those who have been checking on me. I appreciate that. I’m alive, just locked out of twitter for another 5 days and 9 hours for using the word “SKANK” towards a CELEBRITY. Like they wipe differently than we do. Imagine if anyone at twitter headquarters had to use a dictionary before they could lock someone out of their account for calling someone “a displeasing person” which is a definition of “skank”. Turns out that word has been classified as HATE SPEECH. BUT!!! If you threaten the life of the President or call him and his family any name under the SUN, so long as you are a LIBERAL, you’re just fine. If you’re conservative like me and you bash hollyweird, you are locked out or fully suspended.

The downside of this is people who connect with me often are deprived of my opinions there which many have told me they enjoy. Another thing that’s bad is people can’t interact with me directly to buy domains from me. BUT I am available and reachable, if you go to and see the domains there, I am reachable by email.

Some have asked people to help me by sending money. I truly appreciate that and pray that some along the way who want to help a cocky homeless Veteran who’s survived living in his car for 3 years will send something to:  any amount you wish to help with is graciously accepted. Some say a VETERAN will never accept help due to pride. Sadly, pride doesn’t keep you alive. Being humble does and I am because when you help me, you help me help others I see along my path.

So, thank you for digging deep or getting together a group and sending all at once. Either way you choose to help out, you rock, you’re awesome, and please let me know if I may say special prayers for you or your loved ones.

THANK YOU just for reading and for sharing this with others out there so they can understand how far off the rails things at twitter have gone. CONTROL OF SPEECH is next and sadly LIBERALS are leading that charge. The First Amendment was created to protect our speech in all forms, the Second Amendment was put in place to protect the First.

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