Democrat Lunacy over Impeachment

I find it very comical to listen to the Democrats calling for Impeachment of President Trump. These people are off their fucking rockers.

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s personal attorney, a fiduciary commits a felony which he knows is a felony and does not tell Donald Trump (sir this is a felony), the person committing the crime is the lawyer, not his client. The lawyer has a requirement under the law to inform his client of everything that the client does which is against the law. Cohen committed the crime & now says “TRUMP TOLD ME TO DO IT”. Oops but you Michael Cohen committed the crime knowing it was a crime. You Michael Cohen go to jail!

But DEMOCRATS want to say TRUMP is guilty. Trump didn’t commit the crime. His lawyer did and didn’t do it on his behalf because Trump would never direct someone to commit a crime.

Listening to Jerry Nadler, the loud mouthed fat bastard from New Jersey, I have a message for him. FUCK YOU CONGRESSMAN! You want to impeach my President you better find a crime that TRUMP committed and you can’t so sit down and shut the fuck up! Oh and stop visiting whatever diner you’ve eaten out of food.

And then there’s ADAM SCHIFF who evidently has along with ERIC SWALLOWSALL have settled Sexual Harassment Lawsuits out of the SLUSH FUND which Congress uses to pay off people so they’ll be quiet about taking one up the tailpipe while they’re on our time clock! These two stall mates blab left and right about EVIDENCE and they have none of any connection between Donald Trump, now President Trump and Russia for anything other than a mentioned business deal from 2015, that never went through, “BEFORE” President Trump went into office in 2017.

To those two sausage swallowers I say, SIT DOWN, SHUT UP and get to work doing what people elected you for and it’s not chasing imaginary impeachment of a President that has put more money into your 401K than you have ever seen, you ungrateful idiotic fucks.

And then there’s Maxine Waters…what a piece of fucking work this bitch is! She should have her fat ass kicked out of congress for every single person who has been injured or attacked after her “IF YOU SEE THEM HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE YOU GET IN THEIR FACES AND YOU TELL THEM THEY’RE NOT WELCOME” stream of bullshit! I wish someone would get her attention and say “BITCH WE ARE TIRED OF YOUR CRAP!, FIX YOUR DAMN NEIGHBORHOOD!”. I would applaud that happening to her. I would call it KARMA!

I’m not sorry for the language because these people waste their time jerking off America every night on various news channels, making extra money while I’m living out of my damned car wishing I had the opportunity to get my life back on track. If you want to read more about that and you use twitter, check out this link to my pinned tweet:

Or if you’d rather skip that and go right to the place to make a donation use Donate $1 or more, then please take that link and share it with others so they do the same. I’m looking for a handUP, not a handOUT. Once the goal is reached, I will be into a reasonably priced apartment, will pay all expenses for a year, and focus on rebuilding my credit card processing business, wearing business casual clothes, meeting with businesses and rebuilding all that I lost when I announced that I was supporting Donald Trump for President. That cost me over $100,000 per year in residual income from multiple sources and I became homeless after burying both parents and a service dog who I miss daily.

I hate to add this at the end of a posting about how screwed up Democrats are, but AMERICA I need to see this through to honor the legacy of my parents which was one of giving and helping many. Thanks for reading!

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