MARCH? or Walk to?

AMERICA! Read the words of the President below. They come from an article in the NYTIMES. The ONLY truth from the NYTIMES ARTICLE (I’ll include the link to it so you can read the lies).

They are lying to you DAILY, HOURLY trying to turn you against your own country. The only person not bought by the RED CHINESE in our government right now is President Donald J Trump! He is fighting for GOD & COUNTRY, and they are literally EVIL INCARNATE.

So did President Trump “INCITE TO INSURRECT” as mentioned in the NBC “NEWS” article below this quote? HELL NO! The MEDIA is inciting to overthrow PRESIDENT TRUMP in his last 9 days in office. There should be marches on the Capitol every day this week! Millions marching, and just standing outside yelling for justice for our PRESIDENT who is the one fighting for our freedom!




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America United? My Ass JOE BIDEN!

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