Law of Attraction…

in 2012 I was sharing thoughts with someone about law of attraction. This writing was the result of that discussion. If it helps you along your path then it’s a perfect time to share it and allow it to make your life easier…and what’s funny about this is I’m in a place where using these techniques can help me too, so it’s all good! I can use this for me, and I can share with you, and we all win!

Now, here’s the rest of this. Once you’re CLEAR in your request to the universe for that which you desire there are some keys you’ll need along the way to actually allow that which you’ve asked for to arrive into your sphere (world).
a. a space for that which you’ve asked for to arrive into. It can be actual space or it can simply be a space in your heart for it to arrive into.
b. an unfaltering belief in your worthiness. 100% from the start until that which you’ve asked for arrives. Believe without a doubt that you’ve asked for it, it’s coming and the only one who can turn it away is you.
c. knowing – know without a doubt that it’s coming to you. This is different than the worthiness factor. the knowing is knowing that the universe has created what you’ve asked for and is sending it to you.
Example, I always wanted to do the Luke Skywalker thing and reach my hand to the sky and have a lightsaber fall into it.
Well I kept running around playing with that thought, and forgot that I’d ordered one from a replicas company. So I went home and after arriving there, the FEDEX driver showed up with a package. I signed for it and opened it and there was my brand new Return of the Jedi lightsaber.
The example is funny, but it did arrive via FEDEX air so in reality it did come from the sky to my hand, just not as literally as I’d imagined. But you get the point, yes?
d. don’t purposely create busyness to distract you from your obtaining that which is coming to you.
For when you create the busyness due to fear and due to questioning your belief in your worthiness, and your knowing, the universe will still deliver. However, it will deliver to others that which was meant for you.
e. receive what the universe sends you without question and very simply say THANK YOU for that which it sends.
f. share that joy of receiving with many others through whatever means possible.
Now, the burning question inside of you is “How do I do this easily?” SIMPLE.
Begin to memorize this simple prayer and you shall begin to achieve all you desire:
“Universe, I am open and holding a space to receive all the great, wonderful things you’re sending me, as well as those you’re sending to others who are too busy to receive. I promise to receive mine and theirs and share the joy with many unconditionally. I know I am worthy of receiving because I take breaths and I love myself without reservation and thank you for sharing your love with me”. And so it is.
That’s a great start and that will help you begin to feel your light, begin to notice things shifting, and as those things that you ask for arrive to you, your sharing of how they did will keep the flow going and allow you to receive more and more and be able to share more and more as you are a totally deserving being who asked to come here to experience the joy of that feeling and so many more.
Remember – Ask for what you desire, know that you are worthy of receiving, be open to receiving without question, when you receive simply say THANK YOU, and then share your joy with many others so they can see and feel the light.
I love you.
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