Lie Joe Lie!

Why not! It’s natural for you Joe Biden! Lying comes naturally to you, it just flows and flows like a river! Don’t believe me though, just watch and listen to actual history which proves it! Yes real history that they avoid telling you in school because it’s the truth and they only wand to share with you those things that are lies just like JOE!

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So America, there are many out there who believe that what they are getting with Joe Biden should he pull off the biggest fraud in American history, is absolute truth. After watching these videos if you still think that, please seek medical help because you truly have lost your fucking mind.

Merry Christmas America!! TRUMP WON THIS ELECTION by a BILLION MILES! and truly in my heart I believe by 8.4 MILLION VOTES. Once we have a court to hear the evidence, the fraud will be revealed and the country will heal as Democrats are shown to have lied and manipulated people for decades while screwing the rest of AMERICA in the process, including those who they promised to help if only they voted for them.

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Merry Christmas America