Covid Reli…what?

They say they’re going to help AMERICA. They say it’s COVID RELIEF! YOU WILL BE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR $600 check or you’ll get nothing! We’re NOT GRATEFUL! We are pissed beyond measure!

REPUBLICANS & DEMOCRATS!!!! You claim an over 5,000 page “BILL” is for COVID RELIEF FOR AMERICA and you put this shit in it? WHERE IS AMERICA IN HERE?

You are spending our fucking money overseas instead of IN AMERICA while my brother & sister VETERANS and others die on our streets in the cold, without food, they live in their cars all the time or out of their cars as I do because our country is shutdown by a fucking biological weapon used against the entire planet by the RED FUCKING CHINESE BASTARDS who have wanted to rule over the world since they first figured out how to create chopsticks to eat with. TRUTH BOMB!

LISTEN to this video AMERICA. LISTEN to my thoughts on this and you get PISSED! GET REAL PISSED and we need to let the SUPREME COURT KNOW that they think ANTIFA is bad? Just wait until 10 or 20 MILLION PATRIOTS descend on DC!

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