If you’re a vegan and you’re offended by BACON or phrases like “MAKIN BACON” “SMOTHER ME IN BACON” “BATHING IN BACON” “DRIPPING IN BACON”, etc…find someone who cares!!! It’s NOT ME!!! I didn’t grow up pussified over terms of language and didn’t grow up being taught to be triggered by every syllable that came from the mouths of others.

This country has been instilled with a great lack of self worth, a lack of appreciation, a lack of gratitude for the simple gift of life that we are presented with to enjoy the up’s the down’s and the in-between’s.

WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA!!! And stop doing what we’re doing to destroy our country. EMBRACE AMERICA and what she stands for, what other countries see in us, and why so many want us to be destroyed. WE ARE A FREE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. If you’re offended by AMERICA, please just pack up and LEAVE. You’re not a prisoner here. You can go anytime you want to. There will be many others wanting to come and take your place and be appreciative of what AMERICA will offer them.

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Joy V Behar’s a BITCH