Foreigners Counting AMERICAN VOTES?

So I’m sitting and reading a bunch of things regarding the counting the votes, and I read this company dominion voting systems, is a foreign company they make this machine to count votes in the United States, with servers overseas. In order for the votes to be counted overseas, they have to be connected to the Internet at some point now who in the hell in the great scheme of things concocted this idea that counting votes across the Internet would not be accessible by those who wish to change the count?

This is America! Why are we entrusting the counting of votes in AMERICAN elections to machines made in another country and connected to servers outside of our borders?? There is NO REASON that AMERICA can’t make our own VOTING MACHINES, TEMPEST (HARDEN) them so that they are NOT ACCESSIBLE to anyone outside of our country, and so that the data contained in them cannot be easily modified by ANYONE, and ensure our elections are FAIR and not screwed with!

These “systems” are running Microsoft WINDOWS, an OS that is so filled with HOLES it looks like a piece of swiss cheese when you run it and these systems in some cases were hooked to the internet and updated the MORNING OF THE ELECTION?? They were supposed to be updated, tested, and SECURED prior to the day of election. EVERY SINGLE VOTE passing through those systems where votes were switched should be declared INVALID & every person who voted in those states should be required if they want their vote to count to go back to a polling place and fill in a new ballot! THAT is the right thing to do! Anything else is pissing into a very large fan in the middle of a hurricane and pretty damned pointless. Or the election results for those states declared INVALID & the STATE LEGISLATURES called to EMERGENCY SESSION and those members VOTE ON WHO IS THE WINNER. 34 STATES have REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVES, 16 have DEMOCRAT REPRESENTATIVES, each STATE gets 1 vote, WINNER = PRESIDENT TRUMP. I’m good with that! That teaches DEMOCRATS not to CHEAT & NO STATE Shall use FOREIGN EQUIPMENT TO COUNT VOTES EVER AGAIN!

The ONLY REASON to use FOREIGN equipment in an AMERICAN election is to CHEAT, and evidently 30 STATES at least used it and at least 5 of those 30 states switched VOTES from BIDEN TO TRUMP in the middle of the night after they had closed things down which means: A. the machines were connected to the internet to switch things, or hundreds of thousands of ballots were fed through them repeatedly to generate a vote count using BIDEN ONLY marked ballots because in these very states, NO REPUBLICAN INCUMBENTS LOST THEIR RE-ELECTION BIDS which means that EVERY DEMOCRAT in those races did not have new votes allocated to them, because if they had, the 28 of 29 races that REPUBLICANS WON would have all gone to DEMOCRATS and we’d have ALL DEMOCRATS IN BOTH THE HOUSE & SENATE & THE WHITE HOUSE which that kind of a trifecta based on the popularity of the various people out there is IMPOSSIBLE (by even the broadest stretch of the imagination).

So, AMERICA, we have been played by the DEMOCRAT party. A party that NEVER accepted the results of the 2016 election, that their crap candidate HILLARY CLINTON who was broadly hailed by BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA as the “Most qualified person in the United States of America to become the next President and first Woman President”, LOST after EVERY SINGLE POLL out there said that SHE would BEAT DONALD TRUMP by 92% to 8%. They still can’t get over that America voted for him over her and that he proceeded to do exactly what he promised during his campaign, over and over and over again for 4 years.

Now they want you to believe that this man President Trump in the middle of the night of the election was leading all races in all states, stomping the daylights out of Joe Biden’s leads and then by some freak accident, battleground states where TRUMP was leading by HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF VOTES, all of a sudden LOST every lead and that BIDEN won every one of those battleground states by a margin of barely 1% in EVERY ONE OF THE STATES. Not 3%, not 5%, but 1% and I believe in 1 state it was by .25%?? Statistically, you’d have a better chance of winning the lottery without buying a ticket, getting struck by lightning, being hit by a train not running on the tracks and swamped by a tidal wave all in the same evening and surviving to go collect those lottery winnings.

That’s what DEMOCRATS want you to believe. They want you to “ACCEPT DEFEAT” and “HEAL AMERICA”, Oh and “WEAR A MASK” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week whether you are near someone or not because THAT is YOUR NEW REALITY and because you supported PRESIDENT TRUMP you must KNEEL BEFORE BIDEN!


You cheated, You’re getting caught, and in the end, PRESIDENT TRUMP & the AMERICA FIRST PARTY will remain following your tribunals. AMERICA FIRST is the FUTURE. Not the SOCIALIST/MARXIST/ASSKISSING PARTY. This is AMERICA. It’s not RUSSIA or CUBA, or VENEZUELA. If you hate AMERICA, pack a bag and leave.

I LOVE AMERICA and so do more than 71 ACTUAL VOTING AMERICANS who voted FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP to have 4 more years in office. DEAD AMERICANS VOTED for JOE BIDEN and his 666 sucking team of loons.

RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!! and bring the rain! It’s time to end this and RECLAIM AMERICA 1776 STYLE!

Michael Murdock, USNAVY VETERAN

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