I asked GOD to take my life today.

Yes, it’s true. I didn’t try to commit suicide. I was watching a movie called “The AGE of ADALINE” and there’s a scene in it (sorry for spoiler) where a very sweet dog had to be put down & it took me right back to the moment when I kissed my Sophie goodbye the morning of December 15th, 2015 & it caused me to break like a sheet of fucking glass.

So I looked to the sky and asked God to take me from this life, this pain, this loneliness. I’m going to be fine, but it’s been a pretty intense day. I feel like I’m running in circles on a treadmill, not going anywhere, trying to sell domains, trying to give away MakeAmericaGreater.com to the President (when I raise enough money to) so that when this clusterfuck of an election is over with he can use it as a place to direct people to, to show how he plans to MAKE AMERICA GREATER, NOT just keep it great or make it great again, again. The administration did MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and this election meddling, and other things show me that it needs to be made GREATER to get beyond this! GREATER speaks of the future, not the past and “keep america great” is good, but it’s not BIGGER, BETTER, BOLDER! (and to HELL with the “BUILD BACK BETTER” (BULLSHIT) from the “BIDEN” team.

When I say raise enough money to give away the domain to the President, I bought that domain in 2011. I’ve owned it since then and have been doing things with it, I originally had it priced at $1MILLION dollars and now it’s down all the way to $10,000.00. That money would be enough to keep me from sleeping in my car for a couple of months, enough to pay my phone/car insurance & storage bill for a year, giving me time enough to edit a book my Dad was writing when he died, and get it published finally after all these years. Everyone keeps saying “JUST GIVE IT AWAY TO THE PRESIDENT”, nothing would please me more than to do that, so I created a money pool that people have been donating to, but I can’t seem to reach that final hurdle of getting the $10,000.00 at one time, then being able to gift it to the TRUMP campaign. They might be interested in it, and if they’re not, well then it gets pointed to their website permanently, and the money still helps a VETERAN stay off the streets for a while.

Other than that, my dog sitting business dried up due to COVID, and so I keep hitting a wall. That’s my day. I hope and pray yours is better than mine, and I pray by some miracle that things for me will get better. I am grateful to be in this life, and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, unless God gets the message I left him today and decides the party is over and it’s time for me to come home. So far, still breathing, still beating heart, tears are gone, and I am praying for miracles for each of you and somewhere along the way for me too.

If anyone out there knows of anyone who wants to help with the gifting process of the domain MakeAmericaGreater.com please go to the following link below and donate. It’s a shortened link to a Paypal Money Pool. All donations are anonymous, and when the pool fills up, the domain gets pointed to the TRUMP campaign website & when the ELECTION is given to the rightful winner (PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP) he can get to work to MAKE AMERICA GREATER, NOT JUST KEEP HER GREAT or make her great again, again.

THIS IS THE LINK: ‪http://bit.ly/33jCpiU‬

IF you see any mention of a number other than $10,000.00 IGNORE IT please. The WEB does not always UPDATE things as we wish it would.

Thanks for reading through my diatribe. I will be posting regularly again soon.

Michael Murdock, USNAVY VETERAN

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