$5 Ft Long Caper…MAGA COUNTRY!

So by now, if you’ve not read about JUSSIE SMOLLET the “actor” from the tv show EMPIRE on FOX and his ordeal that left him bruised at 2:30AM a couple of weeks ago, only to show up on video moments after he said he’d been beaten as some put it “to within inches of being killed”, he shows up on video with a completely undamaged $5 FT LONG SUBWAY SANDWICH…well if you haven’t read anything about this, you’re living in a cave!

Now, here’s the deal. I’ve been listening and reading and am just tired of hearing of this bullshit because as the leaves are overturned, it appears this two bit piece of crap person hired some people to concoct a story to try and do damage to the MAGA supporters of President TRUMP and those who really love that he is Making America Great Again!

Chicago, the capital of BLACK ON BLACK crime and this character decides that he’s more entitled to the resources of Chicago PD than real victims so he hires a couple of Nigerian Brothers to write a fake letter threatening him and they mail it to the show, which is a FEDERAL CRIME (so the FBI is now involved), and then those Brothers are now cooperating with the Police and giving them all the information they need to bring Smollet up on charges for a few things. This story is still evolving, but since it is, and since Chicago PD is being taken away from real victims, I decided I wanted to do something for the PD.

“THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY” Smollet claimed his attackers yelled at him as they “attacked him”, but there’s no video evidence anywhere to show him being attacked at any point, just his words. But there is evidence of two people walking in the snow, but no JUSSIE, and then there’s JUSSIE with the sandwich untouched!

I created some MUGS & some TSHIRTS to raise some money to give to the CHICAGO PD to thank them for their dedication and for just being awesome in getting to the bottom of what is turning out to be a HOAX against President TRUMP & his supporters of which I am one.

I am going to give 50% of all proceeds to the Chicago PD to thank them. So every sale will make a profit, and exactly 50% of that profit will be pooled & a cashier’s check sent to the Chief of Police, or I will fly to Chicago & deliver it in person to thank them all for their work on this. Whichever is the most effective method of delivery.

This is the link to the store specifically created for this:
please share this story with everyone you know and help me sell a ton of these shirts and mugs so that Chicago PD knows we appreciate this HOAX being uncovered!

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