12 years left to live…we must control climate change for the world!

You hear this daily from the other side. We only have 12 years to live because a Bartender from NYC who went to an acting class and suddenly got elected told us that farting cows and our use of gas and planes and everything that actually helps this country run and produce things are destroying the entire planet…

And they say PRESIDENT TRUMP is off his rocker


Climate has been changing since that time long ago when the one known as GOD said “I’ve busted my ass for 6 days, I’m taking this 7th one off, don’t like it? FIRE ME!!!” and he rested on the 7th day and the climate of the UNIVERSE began to shift and change.

What DEMOCRATS fail to realize is that there are OTHER COUNTRIES who are trashing the environment far worse than the US is. What they fail to realize is that those other countries don’t give a damn what Alexandria Opanico-Everywhere-O says about the Earth being destroyed in 12 years. Why? Because they’re not smoking the same rag-weed that she is!! Note: NEITHER is the REST of the PLANET that is NOT a member of the current DEMOCRATIC PARTY of the UNITED STATES.

Yes, there are things that can be done to reduce the amount of carbon being used. Let’s penalize all those DEMOCRATS (and I’ve caught more than 100 in the past 5 years in Arizona) that leave their cars locked and running for NO REASON when they go into a store to get their blended drinks of a VEGAN nature. They claim to want the environment to be clean, but they’re more guilty than others of ruining it and because they are ruining it, we have to suffer. SORRY!!! Every DEMOCRAT caught doing this should be fined $5,000 CASH or have their car repo’d and crushed! Have I ever left my car running like this? NO. NO. NO. and NEVER.

I will ask this once again. Democrats, you all want to penalize AMERICANS to make your CLIMATE CHANGE plans work. What you haven’t told us is how you plan to get all the other countries on the PLANET to adhere to those regulations? You haven’t told us because YOU HAVE NO PLAN! You think AMERICA is the ONLY COUNTRY ON THE EARTH.


So, tell us what you have planned to get those other countries to adhere to lowering their carbon footprints to the levels that we have and we’re not in the Paris Accords because NO OTHER COUNTRY had lowered their levels to where we have. YOU HAVE NO PLAN, THERE IS NO TABLE FOR EVERYTHING TO BE ON. YOU SHOULD NOT BE IN OFFICE.


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